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MacKenzie Lyn Art

Picture of MacKenzie Lyn plein air painting in front of trees in Horseshoe Canyon Drumheller Alberta

My name is 


MacKenzie written in white cursive

I am a self-taught Canadian artist. I love to create art that makes people smile using oils, acrylics, and graphite. You could say my art is a big mish-mash of stuff, but I guess so am I. As Leonardo DaVinci once said, "The supreme misfortune is when theory outstrips performance". I create what I love, with love, in hopes that other people will love it too! I want my art to tell an emotional story, and to reflect my desire to constantly improve my work with each brush stroke and pencil mark. Anyways, it was so nice to meet you.

grey wavy paint brush stroke
grey squiggly paint brush stroke
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